1 in 10,000 is the rate of occurrence of a natural colored diamond. You have a 1 in 3,000 chance of being struck by lightening in the United State and shark attack occurrence rates are 1 in 8,000,000..
The bolder the better. Unlike colorless diamonds, the stronger the color the more valuable the diamond. The slightest color differences can impact price.
Flaws or loss of clarity do not typically impact the value of a colored diamond. Collectors and designers prize these ‘imperfections’ because they add character and impact color.
The strength of the color or saturation is defined by four grades. Fancy light, fancy, fancy intense and fancy vivid.
Natural Yellow:
Natural yellows are the 2nd most common of the colored diamonds. Brown being the most common. Canary diamonds are yellow diamonds. The term ‘canary’ is a trade name and isn’t a grading term.
Treated Yellow:
Fracture filling, surface coating, high pressure & high temperature, and irradiation are all treatments used to change or enhance the color of a natural diamond. An irradiated and temperature/pressure treated ‘nearly colorless’ diamond might emerge from the treatment yellow or green. Treated colored diamonds are not rare and are less expensive to purchase. However, treated diamonds are heat sensitive and the color can be altered if the treated diamond is heated during a ring sizing or repair. Ask the jeweler or the seller, if the colored diamond you are purchasing is natural or treated. The long term beauty of your diamond depends on this knowledge.
Pear Shaped – yellow – fancy and light fancy – natural colored diamonds are in stock and available for viewing, June 30th to July 7th. Prices range from $2000 – $3000 for these rare, certified diamonds.