Exceptional Jewelry brings national attention to Excelsior Springs, MO

Sturm Brothers
Jordon the Jeweler poses for a Security Photo
TJ Sturm
TJ, the Sturm Mother, smiling thru it all.

Sturm Brothers’ invited to InStore Magazine’s On-line Jewelry Week. The Sturm Bros.’ staff were asked to join with David Geller, renowned jeweler & author, to present, “Safe Repair Take-in Procedures in this New Normal & what Profit Opportunities it Brings.” Mr. Geller & Sturm Bros’ staff will discuss CoVID reopening policies and procedures. David, a successful custom jeweler, will also be discussing the Sturm Bros.’ unique market niche, heirloom custom jewelry. Sturm Bros’ specializes in remaking the jewelry pieces you inherit into an item you’ll be proud to wear and cherish for your lifetime. Sturm Bros.’is honored to shine a national spotlight on Excelsior Springs, MO.

Jennifer L Scott

New York Times best selling author, Jennifer L. Scott broadcasting, on her YouTube channel, The Daily Connoisseur. Click Jennifer’s photo to view the YouTube with a Sturm Bros.’ shout out.

Can you believe it? We couldn’t believe our ears when we heard Jennifer L. Scott give an elevator pitch for Sturm Bros’ in her May Connoisseur Reviews. Jennifer is the New York Times best selling author of the Madame Chic Series and Connoisseur Kids. Jennifer’s books are sold around the globe, as these have been translated into numerous languages. The Sturm Mother has read the three books in the Madame Chic series, faithfully follows Jennifer’s blog, & is a member of her Elegant Connoisseurs on YouTube. These exquisite stories can be found in our own Excelsior Springs, MO Mid-Continent Public Library, most book sellers and at Jennifer’s website, www.jenniferlscott.com. During the Connoisseur Review, Jennifer reviews a few items she’s found immensely useful during the past weeks. As May is typically wedding season, she was discussing wedding rings and options for creating a ring of your dreams. This lead to her giving a pitch for Excelsior Springs’ own Sturm Brothers’ Custom Design & Fine Jewelry.

May 28 Sturm Brothers' Virtual Gem Party

Online Gem Event. Seeing the Globe & it’s treasures from the comfort of your living room.

International Gem Hunter & Philanthropist, David Artinian, co-hosted an exclusive Gem Event with Sturm Bros.’ on Thursday, May 28th. Guests received an email Zoom invitation and participated an interactive gemstone display. David shared gems, stories and videos about gemstone mining & cutting. David describes his style of gemstone selling as “Farm to Table” since he goes to the source himself. Interested in a personal gem appointment with Sturm Bros & Artinian Gems, call Sturm Bros @ 816-848-5005 or set an appointment on FB.

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